четверг, 23 февраля 2012 г.


Washington -- The following information was released by the National Cable and Telecommunications Association:

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), has announced that the U.S. cable industry will sponsor the 85th IETF meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, on November 4 - 9, 2012. The event sponsorship will be shared by some of the nation's leading broadband providers, including Comcast Corp., Time Warner Cable, Bright House Networks, Cablevision Systems Corp., Charter Communications, and Cox Communications, along with Cable Television Laboratories (CableLabs[R]) and the National Cable and Telecommunications Association (NCTA). The announcement was made today in Prague, Czech Republic, as part of the ongoing 80th IETF meeting.

The IETF is a large, open, consensus-based international community of Internet engineers concerned with the evolution of the Internet's architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. It is open to any interested individual. The organization's stated mission is to make the Internet work better by producing high-quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use and manage the Internet.

"The entire Internet ecosystem clearly benefits from open standards, which are developed in consensus-based, open and self-governing bodies like the Internet Engineering Task Force," said Dr. William Check, CTO and SVP, Science and Technology, NCTA. "That's why we're pleased to note that the U.S. cable industry will be sponsoring the 85th meeting of the IETF, bringing together over one thousand of the best and brightest Internet engineers from around the world, and demonstrating cable's support for to current and future Internet standards."

"In addition to the existing liaison relationship between the IETF and CableLabs, which recognizes the importance of interoperability of the CableLabs specifications with the existing Internet, numerous cable engineers participate in IETF through working group contributions," added Ralph W. Brown, CTO of CableLabs. "The IETF is the place where Internet protocols are developed with the technical excellence that has produced high-quality standards for the benefits of all Internet users," Brown added.

Further information about the IETF and upcoming meetings can be accessed at www.ietf.org.

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