понедельник, 27 февраля 2012 г.

Utah's Top 100 Private Companies. (Cover Story).(United States)(Cover Story)(Statistical Data Included)

Weathering the Storm.

Call it the revenge of the tortoise. For many privately held companies, the last few years were slow torture, as publicly traded companies watched their stock valuations rocket through the stratosphere.

Meanwhile, privately held firms plugged along, out of the limelight. Sure, there was steady pay and growth for many, but that was small consolation to those whose neighbors were buying new boats and second homes with their stock options.

That, as they say, was then. Today, privately held companies are having the last laugh, as even solidly performing publicly traded companies weather a panic-induced storm in the stock market, buffering their value (and therefore cash flow and agility) regardless of their core performance.

In May, Utah Business looked at Utah's Top 100 publicly held companies. In this issue we look at the Beehive state's privately held businesses to learn how they've weathered recent economic uncertainly and how being private has helped fuel their success.


To begin, take a look at what they're selling and how. If your company has the lock on a particular product, you can often put your business on autopilot. But if the guy down the street sells the same item, as happens in the grocery business, you've got to hustle to carve out a niche, deciding between chasing the lowest price or providing the best service to make your name. For 70 years, the four generations of family running Harmons, have chosen the latter.

Ever since opening their first 24-hour fruit stand in 1932, the Harmon family has built a reputation for customer service and dean stores. "Service has and will continue to be paramount focus in our company," says Vice President Bob Harmon. It's paying off, with 40 percent growth in sales over the past 10 years. Now with 1,800 employees and 10 stores throughout the state (with an 11th opening this fall), they're holding a healthy 12 percent market share against the large chain stores.

Being a family-run company, they feel closer to their customers and thus better able than chains to adapt to changing needs. "Today, much of corporate America has lost sight of the consumer, they are driven by the price of the stock," opines Harmon, Of course, the larger buying power of the big chains gives them a price advantage, but that's not to say Harmons doesn't stay competitive. In fact, they automatically match weekly ad prices of their competitive. In fact, they automatically match weekly ad prices of their competitors, in addition to their own promotions.

Flying J

Being able to make a profit on this margins consumer goods depends on shaving costs, and no one is better proof of that than Flying J. They're flying high on new technology and integrated services, doing so well that of the 10 million privately held companies nationwide, Flying J snagged the 46th spot on the Fortune 500 list last year with revenue of $4.2 billion.

Starting in 1968 with just a few filling stations, pilot O. Jay Call (hence the name) built an integrated transportation empire that spans the industry, from fuel exploration and refining, to freight hauling, trucker-specific banking, and their flagship Flying J truck stops.

Making all those disparate elements work together mean looking forward and seeing new ways to smooth operations, eliminating redundancy and wasted time on the part customers and employees, according to spokesperson Virginia Parker "We've changed the way our industry does business, for example, by being the first to automate the fuel desk and the service island, so we could process transactions more accurately and therefore make it more competitive."

That said, Call credits their success with understanding that what's really at stake in a truck stop isn't gas and new tires, it's the people buying them. "We service people, not equipment. There's nothing we offer that our customers can't get within a two-mile radius, so we've got to win on service," Parker quotes Call as saying.

America First Credit Union

Giving our customers what they want, and how they want it is what's making winners of America First Credit Union. Remember the old saw about making lemon from lemonades? To see it in action, look no further than America First. Facing intense competition from other credit unions and Banks, yet hamstrung by a 1999 Utah law prohibiting them from opening outside their current five county area, America First made an advantage from adversity.

"We've adopted the philosophy that we'll serve the members the way them want to be served," explains Executive Vice President Brent Allen, which is why they've developed three channels of service delivery, rather than trying to specialize in just one. In addition to brick-and-mortar branches, "We've become a big player on the Internet, [and] we also have a pretty sophisticated call center. We make our services available to our members whatever way they want, whichever is most beneficial to them."

Having their limits defined for them also meant they couldn't get overextended, so when the economy stumbled, they were in good shape to weather the storm. "We're pretty well staying the course," says Allen. They're weathering it in fine form, with some 300,000 members 47 branches, and $2.3 billion in assets.

Lifetime Products

Another Utah company has seen their growth do nothing but continue, in part because it's building on their proven expertise. As Vice President Brent Allen (no relation) explains, Lifetime Products got its start making adjustable basketball standards and became the world's largest producer of them some five years ago.

Not content to rest on their laurels (and existing markets), Lifetime's design team created new ones. Using their existing expertise in plastic and metal manufacturing, Lifetime designed the folding polyethylene plastic table, which is now sold in Wal-Mart, Costco and similar outlets. "They have virtually replaced the heavy, wood pressboard tables consumers may be familiar with," says Allen, in part because of their easy maintenance and light weight.

Another reason for Lifetime's success is their vertical integration in product manufacturing. "We both manufacture the parts and then assemble them here in Utah," says Allen. "The benefit of vertical integration means both quality control and cost efficiency."


Probably no company is bringing together their services as seamlessly as Snowbird Corporation. For those living along the Wasatch Snowbird may seem like just another ski resort with a couple large hotels attached but underneath that snowy exterior lies a corporate meeting and family recreation giant.

Of course, Utah has lots of ski resorts, and the country is full of places for corporate get-togethers, but what sets "The Bird" apart (besides an unmatchable location just 40 minutes from an international airport) is top-flight product and service delivery matched with a seamlessly integrated approach for handling billing.

"We provide very little hassle for our guests," explains Marketing Director Dave Fields. "They're not writing a hundred checks or pulling their card out everywhere they go, they can literally get their lift tickets, spa treatments, meal and room charges, everything sent to one central billing. People want a vacation that's simple. Once they step off the plane, it is all taken care of," from transportation to meeting services and all the other perks of a world-class facility.

That kind of one-stop shopping appeals to meeting planners, whose business accounted for 55 percent of the room rentals last year and 60 percent of Snowbird's winter season income. (Owner Dick Bass does not release financial information about the company.)

Ironically, doing so much so well is sometimes a problem for Snowbird. "One of our big challenges is identifying the Snowbird customer, because they are so varied," says Fields. That's why they're pairing a heavy print advertising budget with a major investment in online services. "We are investing a lot more in the Internet, and our site is now one of the most comprehensive in the ski industry. It is one area we are focusing on extensively, and we are getting a lot of results from it."

Snowbird isn't resting on their laurels, either. According to owner Dick Bass, their long-term plans include a multi-disciplinary institute. "Ever since I left college, I've wanted a place for the enhancement of the body, mind and spirit, where you can couple physical activities outdoors with literature, philosophy, diet, art--a non-test, non-grade place for learning."

Of course, doing that will be expensive, and while none of the companies we looked at have to answer to the public via their stock performance, many have to answer to the bank when times get tough.

Bass said Snowbird was "finally looking up and then 9/11 came along and bam, we were right back in it." He estimates their current debt load at about $45 million. Following the incidents of last fall, Snowbird trimmed payroll by 30 percent to cut costs, and is now tracking back toward profitability, but for the time being at least plans for his institute are on hold.

Although each of these companies are in different industries, all of them share a common link in that being privately held means being free from the vagaries, fashions and moods of the marketplace.

Whether in manufacturing or service, a few lessons from their success were clear: Make your services as easy to access as possible, for the widest variety of customers. Don't get pinned into one kind of service delivery, and invest early in technology that can readily improve your business. Finally, know where and why you want to expand your business, before investing in a new direction. As someone once said "growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell."

One area they do disagree on is what their plans for succession are, or at least what they are saying about them. Privately held companies, owned either entirely by the founder, or through non-traded shares, typically are tight lipped about what their long-term ownership intentions are. The founder of Lifetime products, for example, didn't even want his name used, much less to discuss his long term plans.

However, there are exceptions to that rule. For example, Dick Bass, still running Snowbird at 72, has said he intends to turn it over to a non-profit corporation after he's gone, partly out of a desire to realize his dreams of creating a mountain center of learning, but also because "there's no way my kids could pay the taxes on this place if I was to give it to 'em."

For their part, the Harmons family plans to keep their business in the family. "We went out several years ago to a couple family succession planning groups, to work through those kinds of things," explains VP Bob Harmon. While keeping a business in one family "typically fades out second-to-third generation," according to Harmon, they've structured their family's path "with education and estate planning, at least through the fourth generation." Planning too far ahead is folly according to Harmon, since "you can only care for what you've got, and what you can see in the future, but at this point we're definitely looking forward to a fourth and fifth generation" in the business, "and even further if that's something the family wants to do."

By staying in touch with their core purposes and then building from there, these businesses have become models of success. Learn how the rest of Utah's Top 100 companies fared on the following pages.

Tom Price is a Salt lake City-based freelance writer.

 Top Private Companies  BY TOTAL EMPLOYERS  THIS YEAR'S RANK    COMPANY                      ADDRESS/WEBSITE   1      Intermountain Health Care    36 S. State St. 22nd Floor         (801) 442-2000 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84111         (801) 442-3540 F             www.ihc.com   2      Huntsman Corporation         500 Huntsman Way         (801) 584-5700 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84108         (801) 584-5781 F             www.huntsman.com   3      Brigham Young University     BYU, D-346 ASB         (801) 422-3563 P             Provo, Utah 84602         (801) 422-0209 F             www.byu.edu    4      Flying J Inc.                1104 Country Hills Drive         (8010 624-1000 P             Ogden, Utah 84403         (801) 395-8004 F             www.flyingj.com    5      Management & Training Corp.  500 N Marketplace Drive         (801) 693-2600 P             Centerville, Utah 84014         (801) 693-2900 F             www.mtctrains.com   6      C.R. England Inc.            4701 W. 2100 South         (801) 972-2712 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84321         (801) 974-3846 F             www.crengland.com   7      Sinclair Oil                 550 E. South Temple         (801) 524-2700 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84102         (801) 524-2720 F             www.sinclairoil.com     8      Icon Health & Fitness Inc    1500 S. 1000 West         (801) 750-3630 P             Logan, Utah 84321         (801) 750-0209 F             www.iconfitness.com   9      Larry H. Miller Group        5650 S. State St.         (801) 563-4100 P             Murray, Utah 84107         (801) 563-4198 F             www.lhm.com  10      Associated Food Stores Inc.  1850 W 2100 South         (801) 973-4400 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84104         (801) 973-2158 F             www.afstores.com   11      comm.comm                    1991 S. 4650 West         (801) 257-5800 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84104         (801) 908-5976 F             www.comcenters.com  12      Mrs. Field's Original        321 W Lawndale Drive         Cookie Company               Salt Lake City, Utah 84115         (801) 736-5600 P             www.mrsfields.com         (801) 736-5944 F  13      * Deer Valley Resort         P.O. Box 889         (801) 649-1000 P             Park City, Utah 84060         (801) 649-1910 F             www.deervalley.com   14      Staker Parsons Co.           1000 W. Center St         (Formerly Staker Paving      North Salt Lake, Utah 84054         and Construction)            www.stakerparsons.com         (801) 298-7500 P         (801) 295-5526 F  15      Huish Detergents             15 W. South Temple, Ste. 1400         (801) 975-3100 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84101         (801) 975-3207 F             www.huish.com  16      Harmon City Inc              3540 S. 4000 West, Ste 500         (801) 969-8261 P             West Valley, Utah 84120         (801) 964-1299 F             www.harmonsgrocery.com  17      Slaymaker Group Inc.         404 E. 4500 South, Ste. A12         (801) 261-3700 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84107         (801) 261-1615 F             Website: NA  18      O.C. Tanner                  1930 S State St.         (801) 486-2430 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84115         (801) 493-3013 F             www.octanner.com    19      Lifetime Products            P.O. Box 160010 Freeport         (801) 776-1532 P             Circle,         (801) 728-1959 F             Bldg. D11 Clearfield,                                      Utah 84016                                      www.lifetime.com  20      Clyde Companies              1565 W 400 North         (801) 765-7800 P             Orem, Utah 84057         (801) 765-7830 F             www.genevarock.com  21      Greenbacks/ All a Dollar     2369 W. Orton Circle         (801) 977-7777 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84119         (801) 977-7799 F             Website: NA    22      Market Star Corporation      2475 Washington Blvd.         (801) 393-1155 P             Ogden, Utah 84401         (801) 393-4115 F             www.marketstar.com  23      * Snowbird Corporation       P.O. Box 929000         (801) 933-2047 P             Snowbird, Utah 84092         (801) 933-2293 F             www.snowbird.com  24      ARUP Laboratories            500 Chipeta Way         (801) 776-1532 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84108         (801) 728-1959 F             www.aruplab.com  25      * Lagoon Corporation         P.O. Box 696 375 N. Lagoon         (801) 451-8000 P             Drive         (801) 451-8015 F             Farmington, Utah 84025                                      www.lagoonpark.com  26      Young Electric Sign Company  2401 Foothill Dr.         (801) 464-4600 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84109         (801) 483-0998 F             www.yesco.com  27      Morinda                      550 E Timpanogas Circle,         (801) 234-1000 P             Bldg. G Orem, Utah 84059         (801) 234-1001 F             www.morinda.com  28      America First Credit Union   1344 W. 4675 South         (801) 778-8613 P             Riverdale, Utah 84405         (801) 778-8452 F             www.americafirst.com  29      Deseret Management           60 E South Temple         Corporation                  Salt Lake City, Utah 84111         (801) 538-0651 P             Website: NA         (801) 538-0655 F   30      Neways                       150 E. 400 North         (801) 432-2800 P             Salem, Utah 84653         (801) 432-7437 F             www.usa.neways.com  31      Moroni Feed                  PO Box 368         (435) 436-8221 P             Moroni, Utah 84646         (435) 436-8101 F             www.moronifeed.com  32      Garff Enterprises Inc.       531 S. State St.         (801) 521-6111 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84111         (801) 297-7115 F             www.kengarff.com  33      HK Systems                   515 E 100 South         (801) 530-4338 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84102         (801) 530-4476 F             www.hksystems.com   34      Phone Directories            135 S. Mountainway Dr.         Company Inc.                 Orem, Utah 84058         (801) 225-0801 P             www.phonedir.com         (801) 225-0991 F   35      Gastronomy Inc               48 Market St, Ste 250         (801) 322-2020 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84101         (801) 363-5275 F             www.gastronomyinc.com  36      Layton Companies             9090 S. Sandy Pkwy.         (801) 568-9090 P             Sandy, Utah 84070         (801) 569-5450 F             www.layton-const.com     37      CompHealth                   4021 S 700 East, Suite 300         (801) 284-6517 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84107         (801) 294-6881 F             www.comphealth.com  38      Ream's Food Stores           160 E. Claybourne Ave.         (801) 485-8451 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84115         (801) 485-0845 F             www.reamfoods.com  39      Ultradent Products Inc       505 W 10200 South         (801) 572-4200 P             South Jordan, Utah 84095         (801) 572-0600 F             www.ultradent.com  40      Rocky Mountain Helicopter    800 S. 3110 West         (801) 375-1124 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84601         (801) 375-6712 F             www.rmhllc.com  41      Winegar's Supermarkets Inc.  574 W 3400 South         (801) 298-5407 P             Bountiful, Utah 84010         (801) 298-5463 F             www.winegars.com  42      Saddleman Inc.               80 W. 900 South         (435) 753-6340 P             Logan, Utah 84321         (435) 752-5777 F             www.saddleman.com  43      Arctic Circle Restaurants    411 W 7200 South         (801) 561-3620 P             Midvale, Utah 84047         (801) 561-9646 F             www.arcticcirclerest.com      44      Chuck-A-Rama                 744 E. 400 South         (801) 263-8808 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84102         (801) 433-0068 F             www.chuck-a-rama.com  45      Jacobsen Construction Inc    3131 W 2210 South         (801) 973-0500 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84119         (801) 973-7496 F             www.jacobsen-const.com    46      Cache Valley Electric        919 N. 1000 West         (435) 752-6405 P             Logan, Utah 84321         (435) 759-9111 F             www.cvelectric.com  47      Marketing Ally               501 N 900 East         (801) 374-8709 P             Provo, Utah 84604         (801) 374-0774 F             www.marketingally.com  48      Mountain America             660 S. 200 East, Suite 300         Credit Union                 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111         (801) 325-6228 P             www.mtnamerica.com         (801) 325-6395 F  49      Extra Space Storage          2795 E Cottonwood Pkwy         (801) 562-5556 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84121         (801) 365-4891 F             www.extraspace.com  50      Dee's Inc.                   777 E. 200 South         (801) 487-4210 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84106         (801) 487-4207 F             Website: NA  51      Ruby's Inn                   P.O. Box 640001         (435) 834-5341 P             Bryce, Utah 84764         (435) 834-5265 F             www.rubysinn.com  52      AMSCO Windows                1880 South 1045 West         (801) 972-6444 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84104         (801) 974-0498 F             www.amscowindows.com  53      Nicholas & Company Inc.      5520 W. Harold Gatty Dr.         (801) 530-3101 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 844116         (801) 530-5761 F             www.nicholasandcompany.com    54      L.W. Miller Trans-           1050 W. 200 North         portation Inc                Logan, Utah 84321         (435) 753-8350 P             www.lwmiller.com         (435) 750-6022 F  55      SME Steel Contractors        5955 W. Wells Park Rd.         (801) 280-0711 P             West Jordan, Utah 84088         (801) 280-3460 F             www.smesteel.com  56      Epixtech Inc.                400 W 5050 North         (801) 223-5200 P             Provo, Utah 84604         (801) 223-5202 F             www.epixtech.com     57      Big-D Construction           420 E. South Temple, #550         (801) 415-6000 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84111         (801) 415-6900 F             www.big-d.com  58      Burton Lumber & Hardware     2220 South State Street         Company                      Salt Lake City, Utah 84115         (801) 487-8861 P             www.burtonlumber.com         (801) 487-5815 F  59      Lube Management Corp.        6900 S. 900 East, Ste. 200         (801) 569-3800 P             Midvale, Utah 84047         (801) 569-3833 F             Website: NA  60      Digital Technology           1180 N Mountain Spring         Associated                   Pkwy,         (Formerly Oldham             Springville, Utah 84663         Associates)                  www.dtint.com         (801) 853-5000 P         (801) 853-5001 F  61      DATS Trucking Inc./          321 N. Old Hwy 91         Overland Petroleum           Hurricane, Utah 84736         (435) 673-1886 P             www.datstrucking.com         (435) 673-7993 F  62      Sundance                     R.R. #3 Box A-1         (801) 225-4107 P             Sundance, Utah 84604         (801) 223-4551 F             www.sundanceresort.com      63      Chromalox                    2150 N. Rulon White Blvd.         (801) 782-3030 P             Ogden, Utah 84404         (801) 782-2930 F             www.chromalox.com  64      Kencraft Inc.                119 E 200 North         (801) 756-6916 P             Alpine, Utah 84004         (801) 756-7791 F             www.kencraftcandy.com   65      * Solitude Ski Resort        12000 Big Cottonwood Canyon         (801) 534-1400 P             Solitude, Utah 84121         (435) 649-5276 F             www.skisolitude.com  66      GSC                          2738 Commerce Way         (801) 627-1660 P             Ogden, Utah 84401         (801) 399-2109 F             www.gscutah.com  67      Western Country Pies         250 W. Crossroads Square         (801) 485-3883 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84115         (801) 485-4179 F             Website: NA  68      St. Joseph Villa             451 Bishop Federal Lane         (801) 487-7557 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84115         (801) 487-1112 F             www.stjosephvilla.com  69      Stampin Up!                  9350 S. 150 East 5th Floor         (801) 601-5401 P             Sandy, Utah 84070         (801) 601-5401 F             www.stampinup.com    70      A&K Railroad Materials       1505 S Redwood Rd         Inc                          Salt Lake City, Utah 84130         (801) 974-5484 P             www.akrailroad.com         (801) 977-9387 F   71      Orbit Irrigation Products    P.O. Box 328         Inc.                         Bountiful, Utah 84010         (801) 299-5555 P             www.orbitonline.com         (801) 299-5549 F  72      Heritage Center              5600 N. Heritage School Dr.         (801) 226-4600 P             Provo, Utah 84604         (801) 226-4696 F             www.heritagertc.org  73      Westminster College          1840 S. 1300 East         (801) 484-7651 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84105         (801) 484-3252 F             www.westminstercollege.edu     74      Gossner Foods Inc.           1000 North 1000 West         (435) 752-9365 P             Logan, Utah 84321         (435) 752-3147 F             www.gossner.com  75      Workers Compensation Fund    392 E. Winchester         (801) 288-8000 P             Murray, Utah 84107         (801) 288-8131 F             www.wcf-utah.com   76      PowerQuest Corporation       P.O. Box 1911         (801) 437-8900 P             Orem, Utah 84059         (801) 226-8941 F             www.powerquest.com  77      Black Diamond                2084 E 3900 South         Equipment                    Salt Lake City,         (801) 278-5552 P             Utah 84124         (801) 278-5554 F             www.blackdiamondequipment.com  78      Okland Construction          1978 S. West Temple         Co. Inc.                     Salt Lake City,         (801) 486-0144 P             Utah 84115         (801) 486-7570 F             www.okland.com  79      Stein Erikson Lodge          7700 Stein Way         (435) 649-3700 P             Park City, Utah 84060         (435) 649-5825 F             www.steinlodge.com     80      Shurtleff and                1875 W. 500 South         Andrews Corporation          Salt Lake City,         (801) 973-9096 P             Utah 84104         (801) 973-2248 F             Website: NA  81      Easton Technical             392 E 6400 South         Products                     Salt Lake City,         (801) 539-1400 P             Utah 84116         (801) 533-9907 F             www.eastonarchery.com  82      Simmons Media Group          515 S. 700 East, Ste. 1C         (801) 524-2600 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84102         (801) 323-9314 F             www.simmonsmedia.com     83      Provo Canyon School          1350 N 750 Fast         (801) 227-2000 P             Provo, Utah 84057         (801) 227-2095 F             www.provocanyon.com  84      Bailey's Moving & Storage    400 N. 700 West         (801) 292-1466 P             North Salt Lake, Utah 84054         (801) 298-4967 F             www.baileysallied.com  85      MyFamily.com                 360 W 4800 North         (801) 426-3500 P             Provo, Utah 84604         (801) 426-3509 F             www.myfamily.com  86      Holiday Oil Company          3115 W. 2100 South         (801) 973-7002 P             West Valley, Utah 84119         (801) 973-7398 F             www.saltlakebiz.com  87      Petersen Inc                 1527 N 2000 West         (801) 732-2000 P             Ogden, Utah 84404         (801) 732-2098 F             www.petersen-inc.com     88      Parsons Bahle & Latimer      201 S. Main St., Ste. 1800         (801) 532-1234 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84111         (801) 536-6111 F             www.parsonsbehlelaw.com  89      Nature's Way                 1375 N Mountain Spring Pkwy         (801) 489-1500 P             Springville, Utah 84663         (801) 489-1700 F             www.naturesway.com  90      HIP Enterprises              344 N. Main Street         (801) 546-2488 P             Layton, Utah 84041         (801) 546-2489 F             Website: NA  91      Browning Winchester          One Browning Place         (801) 876-2711 P             Morgan, Utah 84050         (801) 876-3331 F             www.browning.com   92      LeGrand Johnson              1000 S. Main St.         Construction                 Logan, Utah 84321         (435) 752-2000 P             www.n1.net/~ljcc         (435) 752-2968 F   93      Futura Industries            PO Box 160350         Corporation                  Clearfield, Utah 84016         (801) 773-6282 P             www.futuraind.com         (601) 774-3271 F  94      Komatsu Equipment Co.        2350 W. 1500 South         (801) 972-3660 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84104         (801) 975-1354 F             www.komatsueq.com   95      Morris Murdock Travel        240 F Morris Ave         (801) 487-9731 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84115         (801) 483-6677 F             www.morrismurdocktravel.com    96      Pride Transport Inc.         5499 W. 2500 South         (801) 972-8890 P             Salt Lake City, Utah 84120         (801) 972-1450 F             www.pridetransport.com  97      Neils Fugal Sons             1005 S Main Street         (801) 785-3152 P             Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062         (801) 785-5884 F             www.fugal.com  98      Utah Paperbox Company        340 W. 200 South         (801) 363-0093 P             Salt Lake City, Utah         (801) 363-9212 F             www.upbslc.com  99      Mountain States Mortgage     1333 E 9400 South         (801) 576-1000 P             Sandy, Utah 84093         (801) 576-8350 F             www.mortgagespan.com  100     Bowman & Kemp Group          2393 S. 1900 West         (801) 731-0615 P             Ogden, Utah 84401                                      www.bowman-kemp.com  THIS YEAR'S RANK    COMPANY                      SENIOR OFFICER       YEAR EST.   1      Intermountain Health Care    Bill Nelson               1975         (801) 442-2000 P             (CEO)         (801) 442-3540 F   2      Huntsman Corporation         Peter R. Huntsman         1970         (801) 584-5700 P             (President)         (801) 584-5781 F   3      Brigham Young University     Merrill J. Baterman       1875         (801) 422-3563 P             (President)         (801) 422-0209 F    4      Flying J Inc.                Jay Call                  1968         (8010 624-1000 P             (Chairman)         (801) 395-8004 F    5      Management & Training Corp.  Scott Marquardt           1980         (801) 693-2600 P             (President & CEO)         (801) 693-2900 F   6      C.R. England Inc.            Daniel E. England         1920         (801) 972-2712 P             (CEO)         (801) 974-3846 F   7      Sinclair Oil                 Earl Holdong              1976         (801) 524-2700 P             (President)         (801) 524-2720 F     8      Icon Health & Fitness Inc    Scott Waterson            1977         (801) 750-3630 P             (CEO)         (801) 750-0209 F   9      Larry H. Miller Group        Larry H. Miller           1979         (801) 563-4100 P             (Owner)         (801) 563-4198 F  10      Associated Food Stores Inc.  Richard Parkinson         1940         (801) 973-4400 P             (President)         (801) 973-2158 F   11      comm.comm                    Allen Truit               1997         (801) 257-5800 P             (President/CEO)         (801) 908-5976 F  12      Mrs. Field's Original        Larry A. Hodges           1996         Cookie Company               (President)         (801) 736-5600 P         (801) 736-5944 F  13      * Deer Valley Resort         Bob Wheaton               1981         (801) 649-1000 P             (General Manager)         (801) 649-1910 F   14      Staker Parsons Co.           S. Val Staker             1969         (Formerly Staker Paving      (President)         and Construction)         (801) 298-7500 P         (801) 295-5526 F  15      Huish Detergents             Dan Huish                 1975         (801) 975-3100 P             (President)         (801) 975-3207 F  16      Harmon City Inc              Dean Peterson             1932         (801) 969-8261 P             (President)         (801) 964-1299 F  17      Slaymaker Group Inc.         Scott Slaymaker           1996         (801) 261-3700 P             (CEO)         (801) 261-1615 F  18      O.C. Tanner                  Kent Murdock              1927         (801) 486-2430 P             (CEO)         (801) 493-3013 F    19      Lifetime Products            Barry Mower               1972         (801) 776-1532 P             (CEO)         (801) 728-1959 F    20      Clyde Companies              Wilford W Clyde           1954         (801) 765-7800 P             (President)         (801) 765-7830 F  21      Greenbacks/ All a Dollar     Brent L. Bishop             NA         (801) 977-7777 P             (President/CEO)         (801) 977-7799 F    22      Market Star Corporation      Alan E. Hall              1988         (801) 393-1155 P             (CEO)         (801) 393-4115 F  23      * Snowbird Corporation       Bob Bonar                 1971         (801) 933-2047 P             (President & CEO)         (801) 933-2293 F  24      ARUP Laboratories            Carl R. Kjeldsberg        1984         (801) 776-1532 P             (President)         (801) 728-1959 F  25      * Lagoon Corporation         David W. Freed            1886         (801) 451-8000 P             (President)         (801) 451-8015 F   26      Young Electric Sign Company  Michael T. Young          1979         (801) 464-4600 P             (President)         (801) 483-0998 F  27      Morinda                      Kerry Asay                1996         (801) 234-1000 P             (President)         (801) 234-1001 F  28      America First Credit Union   Olin F. Craig             1939         (801) 778-8613 P             (President)         (801) 778-8452 F  29      Deseret Management           Rodney Brady              1966         Corporation                  (CEO)         (801) 538-0651 P         (801) 538-0655 F   30      Neways                       Thomas Mower              1986         (801) 432-2800 P             (President)         (801) 432-7437 F  31      Moroni Feed                  David Bailey              1938         (435) 436-8221 P             (CEO)         (435) 436-8101 F  32      Garff Enterprises Inc.       Robert H. Garff           1997         (801) 521-6111 P             (CEO)         (801) 297-7115 F  33      HK Systems                   Mike Johnson              1949         (801) 530-4338 P             (Senior VP)         (801) 530-4476 F   34      Phone Directories            John Woodall              1973         Company Inc.                 (President)         (801) 225-0801 P         (801) 225-0991 F   35      Gastronomy Inc               John W Williams           1978         (801) 322-2020 P             (President)         (801) 363-5275 F  36      Layton Companies             Alan S. Layton            1953         (801) 568-9090 P             (President)         (801) 569-5450 F     37      CompHealth                   Michael Weinholz          1979         (801) 284-6517 P             (CEO)         (801) 294-6881 F  38      Ream's Food Stores           Paul Ream                 1946         (801) 485-8451 P             (President)         (801) 485-0845 F  39      Ultradent Products Inc       Dan Fischer               1978         (801) 572-4200 P             (President)         (801) 572-0600 F  40      Rocky Mountain Helicopter    Russ Spray                1970         (801) 375-1124 P             (CEO)         (801) 375-6712 F  41      Winegar's Supermarkets Inc.  Don Mathews               1917         (801) 298-5407 P             (President)         (801) 298-5463 F  42      Saddleman Inc.               Ronald A. Friedman        1979         (435) 753-6340 P             (Owner)         (435) 752-5777 F  43      Arctic Circle Restaurants    Gary L Roberts            1950         (801) 561-3620 P             (President/CEO)         (801) 561-9646 F      44      Chuck-A-Rama                 Mike Johanson             1966         (801) 263-8808 P             (President)         (801) 433-0068 F  45      Jacobsen Construction Inc    Lonnie M Bullard          1922         (801) 973-0500 P             (President & CEO)         (801) 973-7496 F    46      Cache Valley Electric        Jim Laub                  1915         (435) 752-6405 P             (CEO)         (435) 759-9111 F  47      Marketing Ally               Alegandro Vargas          1991         (801) 374-8709 P             (CEO)         (801) 374-0774 F  48      Mountain America             Gordon Dames              1996         Credit Union                 (President)         (801) 325-6228 P         (801) 325-6395 F  49      Extra Space Storage          Kenneth M Woolley         1977         (801) 562-5556 P             (President/CEO)         (801) 365-4891 F  50      Dee's Inc.                   Michael Olsen             1931         (801) 487-4210 P             (President)         (801) 487-4207 F  51      Ruby's Inn                   Mon Dell Syrett           1916         (435) 834-5341 P             (President)         (435) 834-5265 F  52      AMSCO Windows                Mitch Kapanickas          1969         (801) 972-6444 P         (801) 974-0498 F  53      Nicholas & Company Inc.      William Nicholas          1939         (801) 530-3101 P             Mouskondis         (801) 530-5761 F             (CEO)    54      L.W. Miller Trans-           L.W. Miller               1982         portation Inc                (President)         (435) 753-8350 P         (435) 750-6022 F  55      SME Steel Contractors        Jerry Moyes               1992         (801) 280-0711 P         (801) 280-3460 F  56      Epixtech Inc.                Jack Blount               1983         (801) 223-5200 P             (President)         (801) 223-5202 F     57      Big-D Construction           Bill Smith                1967         (801) 415-6000 P             (CEO)         (801) 415-6900 F  58      Burton Lumber & Hardware     Dan Burton                1911         Company                      (CEO)         (801) 487-8861 P         (801) 487-5815 F  59      Lube Management Corp.        Kirk Umprey               1999         (801) 569-3800 P             (President/CEO)         (801) 569-3833 F  60      Digital Technology           Don Oldham                1968         Associated                   (CEO)         (Formerly Oldham         Associates)         (801) 853-5000 P         (801) 853-5001 F  61      DATS Trucking Inc./          Don L. Ipson              1988         Overland Petroleum           (President & CEO)         (435) 673-1886 P         (435) 673-7993 F  62      Sundance                     Matthew Bailey            1969         (801) 225-4107 P             (General Manager)         (801) 223-4551 F      63      Chromalox                    David Hesler              1975         (801) 782-3030 P             (Division Manager)         (801) 782-2930 F  64      Kencraft Inc.                David Taiclet             1966         (801) 756-6916 P             (President)         (801) 756-7791 F   65      * Solitude Ski Resort        Gary DeSeelhorst          1958         (801) 534-1400 P             (Owner)         (435) 649-5276 F  66      GSC                          Herbert Christian         1979         (801) 627-1660 P             (President)         (801) 399-2109 F  67      Western Country Pies         Mark Grandinetti          1990         (801) 485-3883 P             (CEO)         (801) 485-4179 F  68      St. Joseph Villa             Galen Ewer                1947         (801) 487-7557 P             (CEO)         (801) 487-1112 F  69      Stampin Up!                  Shelli Gardner            1988         (801) 601-5401 P             (President)         (801) 601-5401 F    70      A&K Railroad Materials       Morris Kulmer             1958         Inc                          (President)         (801) 974-5484 P         (801) 977-9387 F   71      Orbit Irrigation Products    K. C. Ericksen            1971         Inc.                         (President)         (801) 299-5555 P         (801) 299-5549 F  72      Heritage Center              Gerald Spanos             1984         (801) 226-4600 P             (CEO)         (801) 226-4696 F  73      Westminster College          Dr. Michael Bassis        1928         (801) 484-7651 P             (President)         (801) 484-3252 F     74      Gossner Foods Inc.           Dolores Wheeler           1920         (435) 752-9365 P             (President)         (435) 752-3147 F  75      Workers Compensation Fund    Lane Summerhayes          1922         (801) 288-8000 P             (President)         (801) 288-8131 F   76      PowerQuest Corporation                                 1984         (801) 437-8900 P             Paul Winn         (801) 226-8941 F             (CEO)  77      Black Diamond                Peter Metcalf             1989         Equipment         (801) 278-5552 P             (CEO)         (801) 278-5554 F  78      Okland Construction          Randy Okland              1918          Co. Inc.         (801) 486-0144 P             (President)         (801) 486-7570 F  79      Stein Erikson Lodge          Russ Olsen                1982         (435) 649-3700 P             (General Manager)         (435) 649-5825 F     80      Shurtleff and                Gary Cole                 1947         Andrews Corporation         (801) 973-9096 P             (President)         (801) 973-2248 F  81      Easton Technical             Erik Watts                1970         Products         (801) 539-1400 P             (CEO)         (801) 533-9907 F  82      Simmons Media Group          David E. Simmons          1977         (801) 524-2600 P             (President/CEO)         (801) 323-9314 F     83      Provo Canyon School          Jeff Smith                1971         (801) 227-2000 P             (CEO)         (801) 227-2095 F  84      Bailey's Moving & Storage    Hal Morrell               1952         (801) 292-1466 P             (CEO)         (801) 298-4967 F  85      MyFamily.com                 Tom Stockham              1964         (801) 426-3500 P             (CEO)         (801) 426-3509 F  86      Holiday Oil Company          Jerald J. Wagstaff        1875         (801) 973-7002 P             (President)         (801) 973-7398 F  87      Petersen Inc                 Steven Petersen           1961         (801) 732-2000 P             (CEO)         (801) 732-2098 F     88      Parsons Bahle & Latimer      Ray Etcheverry            1882         (801) 532-1234 P             (President)         (801) 536-6111 F  89      Nature's Way                 Rony Mahony               1979         (801) 489-1500 P             (Acting President)         (801) 489-1700 F  90      HIP Enterprises              Hersch Ipakchain          1989         (801) 546-2488 P         (801) 546-2489 F  91      Browning Winchester          Charles Guevremont        1878         (801) 876-2711 P             (President)         (801) 876-3331 F   92      LeGrand Johnson              Larry L. Jardine          1934         Construction                 (CEO)         (435) 752-2000 P         (435) 752-2968 F   93      Futura Industries            Susan Johnson         Corporation                  (President)         (801) 773-6282 P         (601) 774-3271 F  94      Komatsu Equipment Co.        Carl Waggoner             1934         (801) 972-3660 P             (President)         (801) 975-1354 F   95      Morris Murdock Travel        Mark Slack                1952         (801) 487-9731 P             (President)         (801) 483-6677 F    96      Pride Transport Inc.         D. Jeff England           1970         (801) 972-8890 P             (President)         (801) 972-1450 F  97      Neils Fugal Sons             Daniel B Fugal            1993         (801) 785-3152 P             (CEO)         (801) 785-5884 F  98      Utah Paperbox Company        Paul Keyser               1922         (801) 363-0093 P         (801) 363-9212 F  99      Mountain States Mortgage     J R Green                 1924         (801) 576-1000 P             (President)         (801) 576-8350 F  100     Bowman & Kemp Group          Mel Kemp                  1983         (801) 731-0615 P             (CEO)   THIS YEAR'S RANK    COMPANY                      DESCRIPTION   1      Intermountain Health Care    A community-owned, nonprofit         (801) 442-2000 P             healthcare organization         (801) 442-3540 F             servng Utah and Idaho.   2      Huntsman Corporation         Largest privately held         (801) 584-5700 P             chemical company in North         (801) 584-5781 F             America.   3      Brigham Young University     Accredited four-year private         (801) 422-3563 P             university; schools of law         (801) 422-0209 F             and business nationally                                      ranked in top 40.   4      Flying J Inc.                Number one distributor of         (8010 624-1000 P             diesel fuel in the U.S. with         (801) 395-8004 F             various convenience stores and                                      restaurants.   5      Management & Training Corp.  Helping at-risk populations         (801) 693-2600 P             become employable.         (801) 693-2900 F   6      C.R. England Inc.            Refrigerated trucking and         (801) 972-2712 P             common carrier.         (801) 974-3846 F   7      Sinclair Oil                 Little America Hotel chain,         (801) 524-2700 P             Sun Valley and Snow Basin ski         (801) 524-2720 F             resorts, gas stations and                                      convenience stores throughout                                      the nation.   8      Icon Health & Fitness Inc    Fitness equipment         (801) 750-3630 P             manufacturer.         (801) 750-0209 F   9      Larry H. Miller Group        Auto dealerships servicing         (801) 563-4100 P             Utah, Idaho, Colorado, New         (801) 563-4198 F             Mexico, Oklahoma and Oregon.  10      Associated Food Stores Inc.  Services grocery and         (801) 973-4400 P             convenience stores in Utah,         (801) 973-2158 F             Idaho, Nevada, Colorado,                                      Wyoming, Arizona and Mountana.  11      comm.comm                    Provides outsourcing, customer         (801) 257-5800 P             service and technical support         (801) 908-5976 F             for high-tech companies.  12      Mrs. Field's Original        Company includes Mrs. Field's         Cookie Company               Cookies, TCBY, Pretzel Time,         (801) 736-5600 P             Pretzel Maker and Great         (801) 736-5944 F             American Cookies.  13      * Deer Valley Resort         World-renowned ski resort         (801) 649-1000 P             ranked as one of the top for         (801) 649-1910 F             customer service, food and                                      beverage.  14      Staker Parsons Co.           Provides earthwork,         (Formerly Staker Paving      excavation, custom asphalt         and Construction)            paving, heavy highway         (801) 298-7500 P             construction, aggregate         (801) 295-5526 F             crushing and manufacturing.  15      Huish Detergents             Full-line supplier of private-         (801) 975-3100 P             label detergents and cleaning         (801) 975-3207 F             products.  16      Harmon City Inc              One of Utah's largest family-         (801) 969-8261 P             owned grocery stores with         (801) 964-1299 F             nine locations.  17      Slaymaker Group Inc.         Restaurant and food service;         (801) 261-3700 P             36 units of TGI Friday's, Tony         (801) 261-1615 F             Romas and Winger's Diner.  18      O.C. Tanner                  Premier provider of         (801) 486-2430 P             recognition awards, including         (801) 493-3013 F             the Olympic medals for Salt                                      Lake City, Utah and Athens,                                      Greece.  19      Lifetime Products            Manufacturer of sporting goods         (801) 776-1532 P             and outdoor furniture.         (801) 728-1959 F    20      Clyde Companies              Geneva Rock, Utah Servce,         (801) 765-7800 P             J & J  Building Supply and         (801) 765-7830 F             Beehive Insurance.  21      Greenbacks/ All a Dollar     With everything priced at $1,         (801) 977-7777 P             Greenbacks/All a Dollar's 75         (801) 977-7799 F             stores in eight states                                      incorporate party, convenience                                      and discount elements.  22      Market Star Corporation      Field marketing for technology         (801) 393-1155 P             companies including national         (801) 393-4115 F             and international services.  23      * Snowbird Corporation       Ski and summer resort.         (801) 933-2047 P         (801) 933-2293 F  24      ARUP Laboratories            Full-service reference         (801) 776-1532 P             laboratory specializing in         (801) 728-1959 F             esoteric testing.  25      * Lagoon Corporation         Utah's largest amusement park         (801) 451-8000 P             offering rides, attractions         (801) 451-8015 F             and events throughout the                                      year.  26      Young Electric Sign Company  Custom signs and display         (801) 464-4600 P             systems.         (801) 483-0998 F  27      Morinda                      Produces and distributes the         (801) 234-1000 P             health supplement Tahitian         (801) 234-1001 F             Noni Juice  28      America First Credit Union   One of the largest credit         (801) 778-8613 P             unions in Utah with membership         (801) 778-8452 F             of 290,000.  29      Deseret Management           Holding company for the LDS         Corporation                  Church Includes Deseret News,         (801) 538-0651 P             Deseret Book, Bonneville,         (801) 538-0655 F             Beneficial Life and Zions                                      Security Company.  30      Neways                       Manufacturer of health and         (801) 432-2800 P             beauty aid products.         (801) 432-7437 F  31      Moroni Feed                  A co-op of 65 independent         (435) 436-8221 P             turkey farmers Producers of         (435) 436-8101 F             Norbest brand turkeys  32      Garff Enterprises Inc.       Car dealerships.         (801) 521-6111 P         (801) 297-7115 F  33      HK Systems                   Materials handling systems,         (801) 530-4338 P             software solutions provider         (801) 530-4476 F             and total supply chain                                      solutions  34      Phone Directories            North America's top         Company Inc.                 independent yellow page         (801) 225-0801 P             publisher with directories         (801) 225-0991 F             throughout the Western U. S.                                      and Canada.  35      Gastronomy Inc               Owns and operates nine clubs         (801) 322-2020 P             and restaurants in Salt Lake         (801) 363-5275 F             City.  36      Layton Companies             Professional construction         (801) 568-9090 P             services including         (801) 569-5450 F             construction management,                                      design-build and general                                      contracting across the                                      country.  37      CompHealth                   One of the largest healthcare         (801) 284-6517 P             recruiting and staffing         (801) 294-6881 F             companies in the nation.  38      Ream's Food Stores           Operates more than 12 food         (801) 485-8451 P             stores in Utah.         (801) 485-0845 F  39      Ultradent Products Inc       Manufactures dental equipment         (801) 572-4200 P             and products         (801) 572-0600 F  40      Rocky Mountain Helicopter    Helicopter support services.         (801) 375-1124 P         (801) 375-6712 F  41      Winegar's Supermarkets Inc.  Operates four full service         (801) 298-5407 P             grocery stores along the         (801) 298-5463 F             Wasatch Front  42      Saddleman Inc.               Nation's leading manufacturer         (435) 753-6340 P             of automotive accessories         (435) 752-5777 F             including the LeBra.  43      Arctic Circle Restaurants    Restaurant chain featuring         (801) 561-3620 P             black angus beef hamburgers,         (801) 561-9646 F             specialty drinks, shakes and                                      Arctic Circle's famous fry                                      sauce, 26 company-owned                                      restaurants and 57 franchises                                      located throughout the West.  44      Chuck-A-Rama                 Restaurants.         (801) 263-8808 P         (801) 433-0068 F  45      Jacobsen Construction Inc    A leading provider of         (801) 973-0500 P             construction management/         (801) 973-7496 F             general contracting services                                      primarily in the Intermountain                                      West.  46      Cache Valley Electric        Industral and commercial         (435) 752-6405 P             electrical contractor.         (435) 759-9111 F  47      Marketing Ally               Telecommunications service         (801) 374-8709 P             provider, inbound and outbound         (801) 374-0774 F             call center and outsourcing  48      Mountain America             Cooperative financial         Credit Union                 institution.         (801) 325-6228 P         (801) 325-6395 F  49      Extra Space Storage          National owner and developer         (801) 562-5556 P             of professionally managed         (801) 365-4891 F             self-storage facilities.  50      Dee's Inc.                   Owners/operators of         (801) 487-4210 P             restaurants, ranches and         (801) 487-4207 F             community developments.  51      Ruby's Inn                   Hotel and resort.         (435) 834-5341 P         (435) 834-5265 F  52      AMSCO Windows                Manufactures windows for         (801) 972-6444 P             residental housing.         (801) 974-0498 F  53      Nicholas & Company Inc.      Supplier for the food-         (801) 530-3101 P             service industry. One of         (801) 530-5761 F             the "Top 10 Family                                      Friendly" companies in                                      Utah.  54      L.W. Miller Trans-           Trucking transportation,         portation Inc                semi-truck service and         (435) 753-8350 P             parts.         (435) 750-6022 F  55      SME Steel Contractors        Provides steel fabri-         (801) 280-0711 P             cation for a variety of         (801) 280-3460 F             commercial uses.  56      Epixtech Inc.                Library automations used         (801) 223-5200 P             by the University of         (801) 223-5202 F             Utah, Weber State, Salt                                      Lake County and other                                      libraries throughout the                                      state, nation and abroad.  57      Big-D Construction           A Commercial and manu-         (801) 415-6000 P             facturing builder.         (801) 415-6900 F  58      Burton Lumber & Hardware     Building materials.         Company         (801) 487-8861 P         (801) 487-5815 F  59      Lube Management Corp.        Operates 37 Jiffy Lube         (801) 569-3800 P             franchises in Utah and         (801) 569-3833 F             Oregon.  60      Digital Technology           Supplies newspaper         Associated                   publishing software for         (Formerly Oldham             Macintosh.         Associates)         (801) 853-5000 P         (801) 853-5001 F  61      DATS Trucking Inc./          Motor freight and         Overland Petroleum           petroleum jobber.         (435) 673-1886 P         (435) 673-7993 F  62      Sundance                     Sundance is a year-round         (801) 225-4107 P             mountain community         (801) 223-4551 F             offering restaurants,                                      shopping, artistic                                      programs, outdoor summer                                      theater and meeting                                      space.  63      Chromalox                    World's first producer of         (801) 782-3030 P             electric sheathed         (801) 782-2930 F             resistance elements.  64      Kencraft Inc.                Candy products with         (801) 756-6916 P             retailers and distri-         (801) 756-7791 F             butors throughout the                                      world.  65      * Solitude Ski Resort        Ski resort.         (801) 534-1400 P         (435) 649-5276 F  66      GSC                          Investment castings in         (801) 627-1660 P             aluminum and steel         (801) 399-2109 F             alloys.  67      Western Country Pies         Produces more than 80,000         (801) 485-3883 P             pies per day for stores         (801) 485-4179 F             throughout the nation.  68      St. Joseph Villa             Nursing home         (801) 487-7557 P         (801) 487-1112 F  69      Stampin Up!                  Direct sales of         (801) 601-5401 P             decorative stamp sets         (801) 601-5401 F             and accesories; 22,000                                      independent women                                      contractors.  70      A&K Railroad Materials       Leading manufacturer of         Inc                          electric heating         (801) 974-5484 P             components for         (801) 977-9387 F             industrial and                                      commercial applications.  71      Orbit Irrigation Products    Manufactures and         Inc.                         distributes over 700         (801) 299-5555 P             lawn and garden products         (801) 299-5549 F             to customers worldwide.  72      Heritage Center              Residential treatment         (801) 226-4600 P             program for high-risk         (801) 226-4696 F             adolescents.  73      Westminster College          Named by U.S. News &         (801) 484-7651 P             World Report as one of         (801) 484-3252 F             America's best colleges                                      seven years in a row;                                      has 25 majors and                                      minors.  74      Gossner Foods Inc.           Utah's largest family-         (435) 752-9365 P             owned dairy.         (435) 752-3147 F  75      Workers Compensation Fund    WCF is a mutual insurance         (801) 288-8000 P             company insuring more         (801) 288-8131 F             than 128,000 Utah                                      employers.  76      PowerQuest Corporation       Software company for         (801) 437-8900 P             information system         (801) 226-8941 F             professionals.  77      Black Diamond                Manufacturer of         Equipment                    climbing gear         (801) 278-5552 P         (801) 278-5554 F  78      Okland Construction          Expertise in a wide         Co. Inc.                     array of building types         (801) 486-0144 P             and projects.         (801) 486-7570 F  79      Stein Erikson Lodge          Full-service hotel         (435) 649-3700 P             accommodations,         (435) 649-5825 F             catering, audio/                                      visual equipment. Newly                                      expanded conference and                                      meeting facility.  80      Shurtleff and                Provides heavy steel         Andrews Corporation          construction for         (801) 973-9096 P             projects throughout         (801) 973-2248 F             the United States.  81      Easton Technical             Manufactures archery         Products                     equipment and         (801) 539-1400 P             outdoor products.         (801) 533-9907 F  82      Simmons Media Group          Owns and operates         (801) 524-2600 P             28 radio stations in         (801) 323-9314 F             four Western states;                                      outdoor advertising                                      company with over 240                                      billboards in Utah.  83      Provo Canyon School          Residential treatment         (801) 227-2000 P             program for high         (801) 227-2095 F             risk adolescents  84      Bailey's Moving & Storage    Division of Allied         (801) 292-1466 P             Van Lines Serving         (801) 298-4967 F             the West.  85      MyFamily.com                 Genealogy website         (801) 426-3500 P         (801) 426-3509 F  86      Holiday Oil Company          More than 29 fuel and         (801) 973-7002 P             convenience stores         (801) 973-7398 F             throughout Utah.  87      Petersen Inc                 Multi disciplined         (801) 732-2000 P             engineering design         (801) 732-2098 F             firm that provides                                      design, fabrication                                      and installation support                                      to companies worldwide.  88      Parsons Bahle & Latimer      Law firm offering         (801) 532-1234 P             litigation and         (801) 536-6111 F             business services.  89      Nature's Way                 Nutritional         (801) 489-1500 P             supplements         (801) 489-1700 F  90      HIP Enterprises              Mullboons and         (801) 546-2488 P             Peppercorn         (801) 546-2489 F             restaurants.  91      Browning Winchester          World renowned         (801) 876-2711 P             manufacturer of         (801) 876-3331 F             firearm and archery                                      equipment  92      LeGrand Johnson              General contractor         Construction                 specializing in         (435) 752-2000 P             heavy construction         (435) 752-2968 F             and highway work;                                      ready-mix plants.  93      Futura Industries            Servics customers         Corporation                  in the aluminum         (801) 773-6282 P             industry         (601) 774-3271 F  94      Komatsu Equipment Co.        Distributor of         (801) 972-3660 P             construction,         (801) 975-1354 F             mining and                                      utility equipment.  95      Morris Murdock Travel        Travel company with         (801) 487-9731 P             locations in Utah,         (801) 483-6677 F             Idaho, Montana,                                      Nevada, Oregon                                      and Washington.  96      Pride Transport Inc.         Services 48 states         (801) 972-8890 P             and Canada.         (801) 972-1450 F  97      Neils Fugal Sons             General contractor         (801) 785-3152 P             of underground         (801) 785-5884 F             utilities  98      Utah Paperbox Company        Manufacturer of custom         (801) 363-0093 P             made boxes.         (801) 363-9212 F  99      Mountain States Mortgage     Mortgage banking         (801) 576-1000 P         (801) 576-8350 F  100     Bowman & Kemp Group          Manufacturing of steel         (801) 731-0615 P             and metal fabricated                                      structures.  THIS YEAR'S                               UTAH EMP./ RANK    COMPANY                      TOTAL EMP.   1      Intermountain Health Care        22,500         (801) 442-2000 P                 23,000         (801) 442-3540 F   2      Huntsman Corporation                 81         (801) 584-5700 P                 14,000         (801) 584-5781 F   3      Brigham Young University         13,627         (801) 422-3563 P                 13,677         (801) 422-0209 F    4      Flying J Inc.                        NA         (8010 624-1000 P                 11,000         (801) 395-8004 F    5      Management & Training Corp.         575         (801) 693-2600 P                  7,992         (801) 693-2900 F   6      C.R. England Inc.                   400         (801) 972-2712 P                  6,930         (801) 974-3846 F   7      Sinclair Oil                      2,100         (801) 524-2700 P                  5,600         (801) 524-2720 F     8      Icon Health & Fitness Inc         3,000         (801) 750-3630 P                  4,800         (801) 750-0209 F   9      Larry H. Miller Group             3,900         (801) 563-4100 P                  4,500         (801) 563-4198 F  10      Associated Food Stores Inc.       4,500         (801) 973-4400 P                  4,200         (801) 973-2158 F   11      comm.comm                         2,500         (801) 257-5800 P                  3,900         (801) 908-5976 F  12      Mrs. Field's Original               300         Cookie Company                    3,000         (801) 736-5600 P         (801) 736-5944 F  13      * Deer Valley Resort              2,200         (801) 649-1000 P                  2,200         (801) 649-1910 F   14      Staker Parsons Co.                2,000         (Formerly Staker Paving           2,200         and Construction)         (801) 298-7500 P         (801) 295-5526 F  15      Huish Detergents                    975         (801) 975-3100 P                  1,850         (801) 975-3207 F  16      Harmon City Inc                   1,800         (801) 969-8261 P                  1,800         (801) 964-1299 F  17      Slaymaker Group Inc.              1,180         (801) 261-3700 P                  1,758         (801) 261-1615 F  18      O.C. Tanner                         272         (801) 486-2430 P                  1,740         (801) 493-3013 F    19      Lifetime Products                 1,600         (801) 776-1532 P                  1,600         (801) 728-1959 F    20      Clyde Companies                   1,500         (801) 765-7800 P                  1,500         (801) 765-7830 F  21      Greenbacks/ All a Dollar            450         (801) 977-7777 P                  1,500         (801) 977-7799 F    22      Market Star Corporation             423         (801) 393-1155 P                  1,400         (801) 393-4115 F  23      * Snowbird Corporation            1,400         (801) 933-2047 P                  1,400         (801) 933-2293 F  24      ARUP Laboratories                 1,350         (801) 776-1532 P                  1,370         (801) 728-1959 F  25      * Lagoon Corporation              1,200         (801) 451-8000 P                  1,200         (801) 451-8015 F   26      Young Electric Sign Company         320         (801) 464-4600 P                  1,200         (801) 483-0998 F  27      Morinda                             460         (801) 234-1000 P                  1,093         (801) 234-1001 F  28      America First Credit Union        1,049         (801) 778-8613 P                  1,049         (801) 778-8452 F  29      Deseret Management                1,000         Corporation                       1,000         (801) 538-0651 P         (801) 538-0655 F   30      Neways                              600         (801) 432-2800 P                  1,000         (801) 432-7437 F  31      Moroni Feed                         980         (435) 436-8221 P                    980         (435) 436-8101 F  32      Garff Enterprises Inc.              973         (801) 521-6111 P                    973         (801) 297-7115 F  33      HK Systems                          250         (801) 530-4338 P                    900         (801) 530-4476 F   34      Phone Directories                   385         Company Inc.                        800         (801) 225-0801 P         (801) 225-0991 F   35      Gastronomy Inc                      750         (801) 322-2020 P                    750         (801) 363-5275 F  36      Layton Companies                    750         (801) 568-9090 P                    750         (801) 569-5450 F     37      CompHealth                          338         (801) 284-6517 P                    748         (801) 294-6881 F  38      Ream's Food Stores                  745         (801) 485-8451 P                    745         (801) 485-0845 F  39      Ultradent Products Inc              500         (801) 572-4200 P                    650         (801) 572-0600 F  40      Rocky Mountain Helicopter           139         (801) 375-1124 P                    663         (801) 375-6712 F  41      Winegar's Supermarkets Inc.         625         (801) 298-5407 P                    625         (801) 298-5463 F  42      Saddleman Inc.                      110         (435) 753-6340 P                    620         (435) 752-5777 F  43      Arctic Circle Restaurants           600         (801) 561-3620 P                    600         (801) 561-9646 F      44      Chuck-A-Rama                        550         (801) 263-8808 P                    550         (801) 433-0068 F  45      Jacobsen Construction Inc           328         (801) 973-0500 P                    549         (801) 973-7496 F    46      Cache Valley Electric               350         (435) 752-6405 P                    510         (435) 759-9111 F  47      Marketing Ally                      500         (801) 374-8709 P                    500         (801) 374-0774 F  48      Mountain America                    500         Credit Union                        500         (801) 325-6228 P         (801) 325-6395 F  49      Extra Space Storage                 100         (801) 562-5556 P                    500         (801) 365-4891 F  50      Dee's Inc.                          500         (801) 487-4210 P                    500         (801) 487-4207 F  51      Ruby's Inn                          500         (435) 834-5341 P                    500         (435) 834-5265 F  52      AMSCO Windows                       475         (801) 972-6444 P                    475         (801) 974-0498 F  53      Nicholas & Company Inc.             430         (801) 530-3101 P                    460         (801) 530-5761 F    54      L.W. Miller Trans-                  350         portation Inc                       450         (435) 753-8350 P         (435) 750-6022 F  55      SME Steel Contractors               210         (801) 280-0711 P                    436         (801) 280-3460 F  56      Epixtech Inc.                       254         (801) 223-5200 P                    430         (801) 223-5202 F     57      Big-D Construction                  425         (801) 415-6000 P                    425         (801) 415-6900 F  58      Burton Lumber & Hardware            400         Company                             400         (801) 487-8861 P         (801) 487-5815 F  59      Lube Management Corp.               280         (801) 569-3800 P                    400         (801) 569-3833 F  60      Digital Technology                  325         Associated                          400         (Formerly Oldham         Associates)         (801) 853-5000 P         (801) 853-5001 F  61      DATS Trucking Inc./                  NA         Overland Petroleum                  400         (435) 673-1886 P         (435) 673-7993 F  62      Sundance                            400         (801) 225-4107 P                    400         (801) 223-4551 F      63      Chromalox                           400         (801) 782-3030 P                    400         (801) 782-2930 F  64      Kencraft Inc.                       380         (801) 756-6916 P                    380         (801) 756-7791 F   65      * Solitude Ski Resort               375         (801) 534-1400 P                    375         (435) 649-5276 F  66      GSC                                 360         (801) 627-1660 P                    360         (801) 399-2109 F  67      Western Country Pies                355         (801) 485-3883 P                    355         (801) 485-4179 F  68      St. Joseph Villa                    350         (801) 487-7557 P                    350         (801) 487-1112 F  69      Stampin Up!                         350         (801) 601-5401 P                    350         (801) 601-5401 F    70      A&K Railroad Materials               50         Inc                                 350         (801) 974-5484 P         (801) 977-9387 F   71      Orbit Irrigation Products           300         Inc.                                342         (801) 299-5555 P         (801) 299-5549 F  72      Heritage Center                     325         (801) 226-4600 P                    325         (801) 226-4696 F  73      Westminster College                 325         (801) 484-7651 P                    325         (801) 484-3252 F     74      Gossner Foods Inc.                  325         (435) 752-9365 P                    325         (435) 752-3147 F  75      Workers Compensation Fund           320         (801) 288-8000 P                    320         (801) 288-8131 F   76      PowerQuest Corporation              320         (801) 437-8900 P                    320         (801) 226-8941 F  77      Black Diamond                       280         Equipment         (801) 278-5552 P                    305         (801) 278-5554 F  78      Okland Construction                  NA         Co. Inc.         (801) 486-0144 P                    302         (801) 486-7570 F  79      Stein Erikson Lodge                 300         (435) 649-3700 P                    300         (435) 649-5825 F     80      Shurtleff and                        20         Andrews Corporation         (801) 973-9096 P                    300         (801) 973-2248 F  81      Easton Technical                    300         Products         (801) 539-1400 P                    300         (801) 533-9907 F  82      Simmons Media Group                 175         (801) 524-2600 P                    300         (801) 323-9314 F     83      Provo Canyon School                 276         (801) 227-2000 P                    276         (801) 227-2095 F  84      Bailey's Moving & Storage           116         (801) 292-1466 P                    276         (801) 298-4967 F  85      MyFamily.com                        270         (801) 426-3500 P                    270         (801) 426-3509 F  86      Holiday Oil Company                 270         (801) 973-7002 P                    270         (801) 973-7398 F  87      Petersen Inc                        260         (801) 732-2000 P                    260         (801) 732-2098 F     88      Parsons Bahle & Latimer             255         (801) 532-1234 P                    255         (801) 536-6111 F  89      Nature's Way                        220         (801) 489-1500 P                    250         (801) 489-1700 F  90      HIP Enterprises                     250         (801) 546-2488 P                    250         (801) 546-2489 F  91      Browning Winchester                 247         (801) 876-2711 P                    247         (801) 876-3331 F   92      LeGrand Johnson                     210         Construction                        247         (435) 752-2000 P         (435) 752-2968 F   93      Futura Industries                   240         Corporation                         240         (801) 773-6282 P         (601) 774-3271 F  94      Komatsu Equipment Co.               104         (801) 972-3660 P                    226         (801) 975-1354 F   95      Morris Murdock Travel               192         (801) 487-9731 P                    220         (801) 483-6677 F    96      Pride Transport Inc.                213         (801) 972-8890 P                    213         (801) 972-1450 F  97      Neils Fugal Sons                    194         (801) 785-3152 P                    213         (801) 785-5884 F  98      Utah Paperbox Company               200         (801) 363-0093 P                    200         (801) 363-9212 F  99      Mountain States Mortgage            200         (801) 576-1000 P                    200         (801) 576-8350 F  100     Bowman & Kemp Group                 200         (801) 731-0615 P                    200   * Ski resorts and amusement parks contain average total employess for the year 2001. All information based on year end 2001 Sources Cahaba Research Associates, Edgar Oline, Yahoo.com/ finance, sec gov, company websites, American Business Directory, Department of Commerce, Employment Security Office. Some descriptions may be based on data from previous listing.  NOTE (a) recently delisted by NASDAQ, appeal pending. If any of the above information appears incorrect, of if you feel your business warrants inclusion, please contact rankings@utahbusiness. com or FAX (801) 568- 0812. To view, download or submit information for consideration, this list and the complete "Book of Lists" are available online at www.utahbusiness.com 

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