четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

AAP audio advisory 11Dec2002

AAP audio advisory 11Dec2002

AAP audio advisory



AAP MultiMedia +61 2 9322 8000-----------------------Sir William Deane says in a telephone interview that the dark side of globalisation needsto be faced and dealt with. AAPDuration : 40.08-----------------------The Australian stock market closed weaker, with falls in the major banks and Telstra outweighinggains in News Corp. Garry Josling reports. AAPDuration : 253.501-----------------------Australian Cricket Board chief executive James Sutherland tells a news conference theMelbourne Cricket Grounds is rated one of the world's worst grounds for cricket crowdtrouble. AAPDuration : 41.818-----------------------Cabaret star Lisa McCune on playing Sally Bowles in the Melbourne season of the stage musical. AAPDuration : 35.179-----------------------Federal Transport Minister John Anderson, announcing new airport security measures, tellsthe National Press Club that Australia will not put its future on hold for Osama bin Laden.

AAPDuration : 16.668-----------------------Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, asked in Question Time if he will commission an independentinquiry into his department's travel advisories before the Bali bombings. AAPDuration : 45.984-----------------------AAP economists Garry Josling says data to be released on Thursday should confirm the Australianeconomy has been growing fast enough to generate a moderate rise in the number of peoplewith jobs. AAPDuration : 137.247-----------------------Federal Transport Minister John Anderson tells the National Press Club that the aviationindustry will meet most of the costs of upgrading airport security over the next two years.

AAPDuration : 52.951-----------------------Federal Transport Minister John Anderson tells the National Press Club the governmentis increasing security at airports, including the screening of all passengers and carryon baggage at airports where jets are used. AAPDuration : 74.309-----------------------Independent federal MP Bob Katter tells ABC Radio he was kicked off a Qantas plane aftersome angry words to a government official. AAPDuration : 42.508-----------------------Minister for Children Larry Anthony, launching Farm Safe Australia, told a press conferencethat older children are most in danger from various farm equipment. AAPDuration : 19.06-----------------------Minister for Children Larry Anthony, launching Farm Safe Australia, told a press conferencethat water was one of the biggest killers of young children on farms. AAPDuration : 25.563-----------------------Minister for Children Larry Anthony, launching Farm Safe Australia, told a press conferenceone thing worse than watching your life's work being destroyed by drought was losing childrenin farm accidents. AAPDuration : 22.446-----------------------Garry Josling reports Australian stocks are mixed at noon, with falls in most major goldand banks stocks and a gain in market heavyweight News Corp after a bounce on Wall Streetovernight. AAPDuration : 244.462-----------------------Attorney General Daryl Williams has told ABC radio he hasn't been vetting candidates fora High Court position, for their political views. AAPDuration : 20.801-----------------------Federal Attorney general Daryl Williams tells ABC Radio he hasn't been vetting High Courtcandidates for their political views but to assess the merits of their possible appointment.

AAPDuration : 25.225-----------------------Opposition treasurer Bob McMullan says the scientific evidence about the impact of ethanol-lacedpetrol on cars is a scandal and the government should introduce interim measures to protectmotorists. AAPDuration : 20.848-----------------------Opposition Attorney General, Robert McClelland tells reporters that Attorney General DarylWilliams is breaching a long standing convention about not vetting potential high courtjudges. AAPDuration : 25.203-----------------------US-based actor, Mike Farrell, says Actors United to Win Without War supports the currentUN effort to inspect Iraq for weapons and to use both diplomacy and containment to reducethe Iraqi threat. APDuration : 21.08-----------------------Doug Whiteman reports Wall Street bounced back today following a week of declines, boltinghigher as bargain hunters picked up stocks on expectations of a year-end rally. APDuration : 50.233-----------------------Australian Manufacturing Workers Union national secretary, Doug Cameron, tells ChannelNine that women should be able to get 14 weeks paid maternity leave on full pay not the$431 proposed in a scheme to be released today. AAPDuration : 44.12-----------------------AMWU national secretary, Doug Cameron, tells Channel Nine, that only 45 per cent of workingwomen would be eligible for the offer of up to $431 a week under a proposed paid maternityscheme, to be released later today. AAPDuration : 17.992-----------------------Australian Manufacturing Workers Union national secretary, Doug Cameron, on Channel Nine,blasts the proposed 14-week paid maternity leave scheme to be released later today bythe Sex Discrimination Commissioner. AAPDuration : 16.064-----------------------NRMA chief executive Rob Carter tells Channel Seven consumers need to know how much ethanolis in their fuel. He also says there's no evidence showing up 20 per cent ethanol in fuelis safe, as some have suggested. AAPDuration : 24.948-----------------------NRMA chief executive Rob Carter tells Channel Seven the federal government must publishthe results of random fuel testing so consumers know how much ethanol is in their fuel.

He says anything more than 10 per cent could be dangerous. AAPDuration : 18.944-----------------------NRMA chief executive Rob Carter tells Channel Seven the federal government must publishthe results of random fuel testing so consumers know how much ethanol is in their fuel.

AAPDuration : 15.066-----------------------Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, has apologised for the currentscandal in which she bought property through Australian con man Peter Foster althoughshe denies intervening in his deportation case. APDuration : 22.961-----------------------Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, acknowledges it was an errorto get help buying property from Australian conman Peter Foster, after it was revealed10 days ago that he'd helped her buy two flats at a huge discount. APDuration : 10.944-----------------------Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, says her desire to protect herfamily privacy may have led to the Downing Street press office giving out inaccurate informationabout her dealings with conman Peter Foster. APDuration : 22.909-----------------------Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, admits she made some errors injudgment in her dealings with Australian conman Peter Foster but denies trying to influenceis deportation case. APDuration : 19.199-----------------------Hans Blix, chief UN weapons inspector, says his staff has skimmed the main three-thousandpage section of the Iraqi weapons declaration, with hopes to get through more by the endof the week. APDuration : 21.821-----------------------Doug Whiteman reports the Federal Reserve has kept US interest rates steady at four-decadelows as expected today, saving its ammunition for 2003 as it waits to see whether theeconomy can weather the recent soft spot. APDuration : 30.142-----------------------Shadow defence minister Chris Evans says the prime minister John Howard needs to answerquestions about Peter Reith's role in the awarding of defence tenders, including whathe knew before he took up his new position. AAPDuration : 28.566-----------------------US President George W Bush, announcing the new head of the US Securities and ExchangeCommission, William Donaldson, says Donaldson will spearhead the administration's effortto crack down on corporate abuses. APDuration : 20.976-----------------------Investment banker, William Donaldson, named to head the US Securities and Exchange Commissionsays financial leaders have a particular responsibility in cracking down on fraud andabuse. APDuration : 22.595-----------------------Barbara Roper, director of investor protection, Consumer Federation of America, says theBush administration has failed to take a proactive stance on corporate wrongdoing witha new SEC appointment unlikely to change things. APDuration : 17.057-----------------------Following the release of a report into the fatal crash of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 offthe California coast nearly three years ago, Boeing spokeswoman, Liz Verdier, says theaviation industry has been making improvements since then. APDuration : 18.624-----------------------US President George W Bush announces investment banker William Donaldson will take overas head of the US Securities and Exchange Commission. APDuration : 22.961



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