New, efficient natural-gas clothes dryers save consumers moneyand energy, the American Gas Association reports.
New gas dryers feature pilotless ignition and automatic shutoff.They use less energy than older models.
A gas dryer can reduce the amount of energy needed to dryclothes by up to 30 percent compared to older, less efficient dryers.Gas dryers also cost less to operate than electric dryers by about a3-to-1 cost ratio, the association says.
Gas dryers require little upkeep and can be maintained in amatter of seconds. It is important to keep the lint screen clean;it keeps the air circulating properly in the dryer.
Always vent the dryer exhaust to the outside. This will carrymoisture-laden air out of the house. This prevents moist air frombeing recirculated through the dryer. It will also decrease dryingtime, use less gas and save money.
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